Visa nationals are those who need a visa for every entry to the United Kingdom (UK), though some may be able to “Transit Without Visa”. Those who need visas for transit as well are listed below under Direct Airside transit. If you are a visa national and you want to travel to visit the UK you will need to apply for a UK Visitor Visa which you should apply for at least 3 months in advance of wanting to visit the UK.
Below is a list of Visa National Countries
Afghanistan | Georgia | Occupied Palestinian Territories |
Albania | Ghana | Oman (but not holders of Diplomatic or Special passport) |
Algeria | Guinea | Pakistan |
Angola | Guinea Bissau | Peru |
Armenia | Guyana | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | Haiti | Qatar (but not holders of Diplomatic or Special passport) |
Bahrain | India | Russia |
Bangladesh | Indonesia | Rwanda |
Belarus | Iran | Sao Tome & Principe |
Benin | Iraq | Saudi Arabia |
Bhutan | Ivory Coast | Senegal |
Bolivia** | Jamaica*** | Serbia |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | Jordan | Sierra Leone |
Burkina Faso | Kazakhstan | Somalia |
Burma (Myanmar) | Kenya | South Africa* |
Burundi | Korea (Dem. People’s Rep) | Sri Lanka |
Cambodia | Kosovo | Sudan |
Cameroon | Kuwait | Surinam |
Cape Verde | Kyrgyzstan | Swaziland* |
Central African Republic | Laos | Syria |
Chad | Lebanon | Tajikistan |
China, People’s Rep.of | Lesotho* | Tanzania |
Colombia | Liberia | Taiwan – but only if: visiting for longer than 6 months; or intending to work; or your passport does not include a personal identification number |
Comoros | Libya | Thailand |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | Macau (travel permit only) | Togo |
Congo, Republic of | Macedonia | Tunisia |
Cuba | Madagascar | Turkey |
Cyprus, northern part of | Malawi | Turkmenistan |
Djibouti | Mali | Uganda |
Dominican Republic | Mauritania | Ukraine |
Ecuador | Moldova | United Arab Emirates (but not holders of Diplomatic or Special passport) |
Egypt | Mongolia | Uzbekistan |
Equatorial Guinea | Montenegro | Vatican City (Holy See Service and Temporary Service passport holders only) |
Eritrea | Morocco | Venezuela** |
Ethiopia | Mozambique | Vietnam |
Fiji | Nepal | Yemen |
Gabon | Niger | Zambia |
Gambia | Nigeria | Zimbabwe |
* Since 1 July 2009, nationals of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland need a visa to enter or transit through the UK.
** Since 18 May 2009:
Nationals of Bolivia – need a visa to enter or transit through the UK.
Nationals of Venezuela – Holders of the new Venezuelan biometric, machine readable passports issued from 2007 will no longer require a visa to enter the UK for a visit lasting no more than 6 months, unless the category they are entering under requires a mandatory visa under the Immigration rules.
Venezuelan nationals holding passports issued before 2007 which are not biometric, machine readable will still need a visa to enter the UK no matter which category of entry clearance they are apply for.
*** Since 3 March 2009, nationals of Jamaica need a visa to enter or transit through the UK.